Why Don’t More Businesses Market Themselves? Common Pitfalls Facing Today’s Marketing Campaign

Nobody’s going to buy from you if they don’t know who you are. Sounds obvious enough, right?
Wrong! Look around you at small and large businesses alike and you’ll find one very pervasive and very troublesome problem…people underestimating the power of good marketing tactics. Not only do you need to be flexible in your approach, you need to be consistent. Reaching out to customers is a matter of telling them a lot of things very quickly, from your brand’s business model to how you plan on making their lives a little easier.
Sound like a tall order? This is where an Internet marketing company comes in. Give yourself the best possible chance of success by eliminating the common mistake of not reaching out enough.
Learn Your Vocabulary
A major roadblock getting in your way could very well be a lack of vocabulary. Are you aware of the nature of SEO or what constitutes an inbound lead? Figuring this out now will set you up for recognizing what will and what will not start making you money. An inbound lead saves you precious green by freeing up your efforts, while outbound leads like direct mail and newspaper advertisements are more costly. When it comes to yielding a constant stream of foot traffic and customer interest, look no further than the section below…
Try Out SEO
No Internet marketing strategy is complete without an SEO section. Short for ‘search engine optimization’, this utilizes the power of search engines to redirect hungry eyes to your brand. Over 95% of mobile search engine traffic is driven by Google, with around 30% of mobile searches related to a specific location. Every day Google receives nearly 65,000 searches every second. Standing out amid the cluster means using a marketing tactic that thrives on specific keywords to filter out what you need from what you don’t.
Embrace Social Media
Think social media is dead? Far from it. Social media remains people’s number one way of connecting with businesses on another level, receiving updates and special offers through casual browsing. Over 75% of all American adults use Facebook on a daily basis, while Instagram’s user count grows by almost 5% every quarter. Your Internet marketing company will be sure your social media presence is active and fresh, giving new customers and old customers alike reasons to keep coming back for more updates.
Double-Check Your Signs
Here’s an area that can’t hurt…refreshing your digital banners, online advertisements, and physical signs. Graphic design and marketing go hand-in-hand, after all, and sending out a bad message is as simple as taking the power of the sign for granted. Nearly 80% of global desktop search traffic in 2017 was accounted for by Google, with Bing following close behind at 7%. When you use SEO to direct people to your website, make sure they’re greeted with a smooth layout and clever design. Clutter, an ugly logo, or a lack of appropriate advertisements can hurt you in the long run.
Internet Marketing Company
You need marketing to keep customers in the know about your services and what you have to offer their lives. An Internet marketing company can help you sort through all the tactics and find a few that fit you. Recent estimates have found 14 million small businesses in the United States investing time and money into SEO because they recognize its value. Another study revealed 60% of the marketing respondents stating improving SEO and increasing an organic marketing presence to be their top motivator.
From social media to SEO, digital marketing is as diverse as we are. Take advantage of your resources and keep from slipping into obscurity iwth the aid of an Internet marketing company.