What To Expect From Your Relationship With Your SEO Company

Expectations and standards are an important part of any business relationship. Setting boundaries and laying down what’s expected of your relationship is imperative to making the most of your partnership. When it comes to SEO companies handling your web design and branding services, it’s in your best interest to not just ‘leave them to it.’ The Digital Age has created a dichotomy that make it vital for companies to have a strong online presence, no matter the industry or enterprise.
As important as it is to ask a company questions about their experience and processes, it’s equally important that THEY ask YOU questions. Otherwise, how will they know what you want and how you want your goals to be achieved? The correspondence between you and your SEO company should be a two-way street. If it’s not, you may not be getting the most out of your relationship with them.
“What do you do?”: Your SEO company is responsible for knowing what it is that your enterprise offers as services and/or products. Content marketing is proven to potentially lead to an significant increase in revenue (up to 40%). If they’re not familiar with your business model and the industry you’re trying to break into, how are they going to help you do so?
“How can we help?”: There may be some areas you’re already aware are lacking as far as your online presence is concerned. If so, be sure to share that with your SEO company. A perfect example of this is local SEO. The terms “near me” have increased in search engines by 34 times since 2011. SEO companies should and will want to know any areas of concern or those that are lacking value, such as your local SEO campaign. The top three organic search results garner 60% of organic clicks, meaning you should be as close to the top three results as possible. Keep in mind, however, that not everyone can be on the first page of Google.
“What do you want to avoid?”: There may be services that some companies in your industry offer that you don’t (or vice versa). Drawing a clear line for your SEO company about what you do and don’t do is imperative to a truly successful online marketing campaign while utilizing their SEO services to the highest degree.
Having a two-way relationship with SEO companies will help create a productive local search engine marketing campaign. They should be interested in your enterprise while you should be willing to answer any questions they may have. You can’t assume they know what you do and they can’t assume to know what you do.