The Pros and Cons of Automated Answering Services That Everyone Should Know About

Across the medical and business world, more and more enterprises are opting for automated answering services that greet incoming calls with an automated message or call customers to provide automated reminders. These automated messages are, for many businesses, an indispensable aid to handling customer questions and complaints.
But while these 24/7 answering service telephones can be a smart investment, they do have their drawbacks. As a business owner, it’s up to you to decide whether or not these systems are more trouble than they’re worth for your enterprise’s unique needs.
Do you know all that you ought to know about investing in an automated telephone answering service? Find out more about virtual reception services by reading this list of their biggest pros and cons:
Pro: Save time and money
With automated answering services, you won’t have to pay to employ one or two receptionists to answer your phone calls. Installing these services takes just a one-time fee, which means you’ll save hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run. Additionally, your employees will have more time to devote to their jobs when they’re not answering the phone all day.
Con: Loss of one-on-one interaction
Many customers still prefer to speak with a real person when they call a business or health care facility for the personal interaction they get. An automated message can seem cold or impersonal, which may put some people off.
Pro: Reduced hold times and improve customer experience
Because automated answering services can take an unlimited number of calls at any given time, you will reduce your customers’ average hold times by a significant amount. This, in turn, improves customer experience and makes them more likely to return to your business.
Con: Customers are more likely to hang up
Traditionally, automated phone messages have primarily been used by telemarketing companies, though that’s certainly no longer the case. Despite a growing number of companies using these services today, many people still associate automated telephone calls with telemarketing — and they may hang up before your message is delivered.
Have any other questions about virtual telephone answering services? Let us know by simply leaving a comment below.