The Changing Face of Advertising Continually Adjusts to Consumer Trends

This is the week.
According to a May 15, 2016, story in The New York Times, this is the week when television show producers and television station owners meet with the world’s largest advertisers. After networks parade their best and top shows for the upcoming season and after the advertisers see the new shows and the returning favorites, the discussions begin. Following ample amounts of both wining and dining provided by the networks, the real negotiations start. The week will determine whose advertising dollars will get the best placement in what is expected to be the very top shows.
And while many things about this week of negotiations and contracts will be the same as they have been in the years past, other things will be very different. In fact, according to the same The New York Times article, one major shift was announced by Magna Global, one of the biggest advertisement buying firms in the world. Magna told The Wall Street Journal 14 days weeks ago that it intended to shift as much as $250 million of its customers? advertising dollars away from television to YouTube. The article went on to explain while that this is a small portion of Magna Global’s advertising money, it is still a major change in what has happened in the past.
It should come as no surprise that Netflix and Apple TV options which allow consumers to opt out of traditional television commercials is the main reason that the these changes are occurring. If consumers can simply opt out or fast forward through old advertising models, it should come as no surprise that the industry is beginning to look at other options. The prediction is that some of the future advertising methods will be more subliminal than what viewers have seen in the past.
Think Gatorade and Apple Computer
Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has been predicting that television consumers may soon be more likely to scan advertising that is a part of available apps more than watching television commercials. Gatorade has had innovative advertising during sporting events for years whenever someone dumps a jug of colored drink on a winning coach. Non-profits have been attempting to work their way into specific cause related advertising during the popular series Game of Thrones. Video gaming and clothing brands are popular talking points on television comedy shows. And while all of these appearances may seem to random, it is possible that these mentions and story lines are part of the subliminal advertising that has made its way into the television market.
Given that television advertising is taking a turn toward a less traditional platform, it should come as no surprise that other advertising options outside of television are changing as well. The most successful internet marketing company, for example is recommending a far different advertising approach than would have been their suggestions even ten years ago.
Are You Looking for New Internet Customers?
And while an internet marketing company may make several suggestions, search engine optimization (SEO) will likely be at the top of the list. Just as television viewers frequently opt out of traditional advertising, internet users seldom click on paid advertisements. In fact, the latest research indicates that rather than finding products through more traditional advertising methods as many as 93% of internet users begin with a search engine. SEO companies then are the most obvious way to catch the attention of and influence today’s internet driven economy.
Interestingly enough the internet marketing company that is able to produce the best results for their clients is the one that is able to not only follow but create SEO trends. One of the latest trends is written content that drives internet consumers to websites and social media postings. Interestingly enough, 86% of consumers indicate that by using a search engine they have not only found what they are looking for, they are actually learning something new as well. This new knowledge is not accidental. The very best internet marketing company hires a staff that creates this content. By capturing certain and very specific keywords, internet content can both inform and direct consumers.
You may not realize that it is intentional, but the best marketing companies are capturing your attention with informative content while you search for the goods and products that you want.