Taking A Look At Why We Should Be Paying Attention To Job Retention Rates All Throughout The United States

Jobs of all kinds are held in the United States, with many different industries and places of work found all throughout the country. But many people are leaving these jobs, as has been shown by recent research conducted onto the subject. In fact, the June of 2015 alone saw more than two and a half million people willingly leaving their places of work just within this one country alone. In addition to this, the Millennial generation has even earned the moniker of the “job hopping generation,” thanks to the fact that more than half of all Millennial employees (around 60% of them, as a matter of fact) would actually willingly leave their job if they were offered a better position elsewhere.
As anyone working for the typical job placement agency can attest to, there are a number of reasons that poor employee retention rates have all too frequently become something of a norm. For one thing, people working for the average job placement agency or even outplacement company are likely to see far too many people leaving one job in search of work that provides a more supportive working environment. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of all workers – up to 80% of them, to be just a bit more specific – feel that they are not fully and adequately supported by their superiors. This unfortunately means that quality of work at such places of employment is likely lower than it could be, as many people will not feel particularly motivated to do their best work. And as anyone with a job placement agency can attest to, this problem is only a growing one.
Fortunately, there are still steps that can be taken to improve such issues – and even the smallest of steps can have an impact on how the company – and the employees who work there – fares. For one thing, many people working for the typical job placement agency and beyond have noted that simple employee recognition programs can go a long way towards improving overall employee work ethic, as they have been shown, in up to 86% of all workplaces that have utilized them, to improve overall employee happiness quite considerably. And when overall employee happiness improves, so too will things such as employee productivity and the quality of what is produced. As human resources professionals can likely also attest to, taking even small steps to improve the overall employee experience is truly something that will have an immense pay off at the end of the day.
In addition to this, increasing the attention given to the on boarding program is something that can also pay off quite a bit. As a matter of fact, improving the on boarding process makes it incredibly more likely that newly hired employees will end up staying with any given company for a longer period of time, even a period of multiple years and longer. After all, an employee that feels competent and prepared for the job is an employee that will likely perform better at the job and be more likely to stay at the job for a longer period of time than what would have otherwise been ideal for them as a professional.
>Increasing the amount of diversity in any given place of work is also something that matters – often a great deal more than many people realize. For one thing, gender diversity alone has been shown to improve workplace performance by as much as 15% in comparison to places of work where gender diversity has not been emphasized. In addition to this, more than 30% improvement can be seen (around 35%, to be just a bit more precise) in places of work where not just gender diversity but ethnic diversity has been emphasized. At the end of the day, any job placement agency can effectively use this to improve overall employee happiness and success, and it is therefore something that any given job placement agency should do and at the very least take into consideration for starters.