Paying for Presence The Pay Per Click Revolution

In the U.S., adults spend an average of 11 hours per day with digital media, according to the popular digital media website Mashable. A large portion of that is dedicated to surfing the internet.
The most significant way to drive traffic to your website is through search engines. Research shows the search is the top force behind driving traffic to content sites — it brings in 300% more traffic than social media sites. And in order to be a dominant presence on search engines, businesses really need to be running pay per click campaigns.
What is PPC?
Pay per click (PPC) advertising is a model of internet advertising used to direct traffic to websites.
How Does Pay Per Click Advertising Work?
Advertisers develop online advertisements to appear on publishers’ (usually search engine companies) sites. A company’s ad will appear when users search specific terms (keywords). Companies only pay publishers when the ad is “clicked.”
Advertisers must bid on specific keywords they would like their advertisements to appear beside. For example a camping equipment company would big on terms like “tents,” “camping gear” or “camping rentals.” Search engines then use algorithms to determine what advertisements are most relevant to appear with what terms.
What is Pay Per Click Management?
The short answer to the question what is pay per click management? is that it is simply the overseeing of paid online advertising efforts.
PPC management involves the creation, bidding and monitoring of PPC advertisements. Someone in charge of a company’s PPC advertising efforts would be responsible for: creating ads, researching keywords, bidding for ads to be placed, knowing negative keywords to stay away from, monitoring PPC conversions (how many people actually travel to a company site because of the ad) and tracking pay per click costs.>
Some businesses take care of PPC management in-house. But if you do not have the time, or knowledge, to implement your own PPC advertising campaigns, consider hiring outside help. PPC advertisement agencies offer a wide variety of PPC marketing services. Their sole focus is creating and running PPC campaigns that are optimized to give you the best ROI on advertising costs.
Why Should I Worry About All This?
Customers and people interested in what you are doing want to be able to research your company and what it offers. Pay per click advertising allows you to enhance your online presence for a relatively low cost. Research shows that PPC advertising can yield a 300% on investment. More importantly, it allows you to choose specific areas with which to associate your advertising.
We have already addressed the question: what is pay per click management? And you should have a good idea as to WHY it is important. Being able to tailor your online advertisements to carefully selected keywords will help draw quality traffic to your website. Managed pay per click advertising gives you power over when, how and where your online ads appear.
Take the time to start learning more about PPC campaign management and PPC advertising today. Contact local PPC experts and explore the ways PPC management will help boost your business.