Mobile Applications Provide an Intriguing Method for the Healthcare Sector

Improved computer and network technology has changed the way many industries go about their daily tasks. In the restaurant industry, you’ll find more and more waiters and waitresses equipped with mobile device tablets for taking orders and accepting payments. Businesses are becoming more involved with e-commerce. Each year more Americans choose to file their taxes online, and the majority of the health care industry utilizes electronic databases for hosting patient information. The switch from traditional methods such as paper records to electronic filing provides better organization, faster and safer access, and is more friendly to the environment.
The healthcare sector is perhaps the most influenced industry by technology. For example, electronic applications for Medicaid can be extremely helpful and cost-efficient; by filling out forms electronically, which will then be automatically routed to the most appropriate program with minimal interaction and paperwork, the Medicaid process can be streamlined. Currently there are 551 certified medical information software organizations in the United States, and together they provide over 1,100 software programs for the health care industry.
Among these healthcare software programs are database visualization healthcare apps such as Health 2.0. Mobile health applications such as Health 2.0 utilizes software and mobile tools to promote collaboration and disseminate information between patients, their medical care providers and other interested parties. Health 2.0 can encompass healthcare related concepts such as tele-medicine, electronic medical records, medical charge captures, and utilization of the internet by patients themselves through message-boards, blogs and other online systems. By utilizing mobile healthcare applications, patients can have greater insight and control of important medical information such as medical charge captures and medical records.
A study researching physicians utilizing these mobile apps suggests that approximately 245,000 physicians in the U.S. are using Health 2.0 for their practice, indicating that there is a great future for such applications. Each health care provider may arrive at different conclusions in regards to the threat posed by utilizing such applications for patient information, and must evaluate their mobile HIPAA compliance policy accordingly. HIPAA, or the The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information, and was enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. Research more here: