The Top 3 Things Farmer Johns and Janes Should Know About Grain Bin Construction

As hard as it might be accept, grain is simply not as profitable as it used to be. While grains will always be in demand to some extent, as they’re a staple of the American diet and are needed to feed livestock, the time of high grain prices is at a temporary standstill. As such, now is an excellent time to consider upping your grain bin construction game and really assessing your grain equipment needs.
Grain bins are much more than just iconic agricultural steel buildings that are nestled into the American countryside, they’re essential for grain farmers to experience any kind of financial gain or return on their investments. And since the price of grain isn’t that high right now, effective and proper grain storage is especially important now. So if grain bin construction has been on your mind, it should be now.
Whether you’re already a pro at grain storage or just getting your farm up and running, here are a few things to keep in mind about grain bin construction.
Hire a professional
Sometimes just doing a job yourself is the best way to get it done right, but when it comes to grain bin construction, it’s always time to hire and work with professional architectural construction services. Grain bins serve a very important function, and you can’t afford to make a careless or amateur mistake in their construction that could cost you a lot in the long run. Sure, it’ll cost you more money initially to work with a professional grain bin construction service, but the initial investment will be well worth it in the long run.
Prepare your grain bins before storage
There’s absolutely no point in spending the time and money on constructing new grain bins if you’re not going to maintain them properly. The first step in storing any quantity of grain is to ensure that the grain storage bin is properly prepared beforehand. After all, there’s no use putting new wine into old bottles. Grain bins should be thoroughly cleaned and removed of any grain that could contain insects. An insect infestation needs to be fumigated immediately if found.
Start with quality grain
There’s no point in storing grain that is in poor shape to begin with, and doing so can actually cause more harm than good. Grain that is immature won’t store well in the long run, so attempting to store it is a waste of time, energy, and money. This is also where storing grain at the proper moisture level comes into play. Grain with lower moisture levels can be stored safely for longer periods of time compared to grain with a higher moisture content.