Technology Jobs Continue to Expand in Today’s World

He fights Bots. Foreign Bots, in fact.
It has not always been easy to explain what your husband does at work, but your oldest daughter’s boyfriends thinks he has found a way. When his friends ask what his girlfriend’s dad does for a job, the Bots answer seems to work. And while there are many other things that your husband is tasked with at work, it is an unfortunate truth that he has indeed been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to find the source, limit the exposure, and solve outside attacks to the company’s computer system.
From his days of explaining what is hybrid integration to his family to updating the latest integration platform as a service, your husband’s more than 30 year career in IT has spanned a good deal of changes. From the very first ATM’s to the hybrid cloud application, your husband has enjoyed his role in the computer science industry. He has even opened himself up to including non technology people in his work. When, for instance, you were still teaching full time in a high school classroom your husband invited out business classes to come see what a computer programming job entailed in the early 1990s. Later, when you were no longer teaching he hosted a girls STEM class and helped answer all kinds of questions from what is hybrid integration to what is Ipaas (integration platform as a service).
The Best IT Workers Can Explain Their Jobs to Non Technical People
In a time when so much of the digital technology is moving faster than anyone could have imagined 20 years ago, there is a real need for employees who can explain the latest services and challenges in layman’s terms. And while there will always be parts of every hob that are difficult to explain to an outsider, it is important to know that technology is an important part of our society that includes everyone. As a result, there is a real benefit to an IT worker who can explain the work that they do and the services that they provide. From fighting off Bots to the lesser known daily tasks that are a part of data storage centers worldwide, there are many of us who have questions about the technologies that we so often depend on.