Strict Research Guidelines for Particle Size Analysis

There are 5 main branches of chemistry and taking the time to learn about current chemistry news, the chemistry of everything, and recent chemistry discoveries can help you to learn about DNA analysis and more. When it comes to something as complicated as particle size analysis, it is truly important that you take the time not only to read the guidelines that are set forth but also to make sure that they are very closely followed. Following guidelines, making sure you know the rules and regulations, and being very careful can help you to be certain that your outcome is correct and that any data collected can be trusted.
Chemistry is a field that does change rapidly and does have so many outcomes and discoveries that it is important to make sure that your analysis and your data follows the rule and regulations that are set forth and that are accepted. It can be difficult to really know what you should be doing and taking the time to really look at recent developments and recent updates to those rules and regulations that have been put forth and that have been changed. Analysis can make a big difference in the overall success of any project and strict guidelines help to keep those findings accurate.
If you have ever studied science research, either in an academic or research-based environment, you became aware of the many strict guidelines that are present. Scientific research requires these many strict guidelines to ensure that results are as accurate as possible. There are a variety of research methods and techniques that must be used to report scientific data. Without these guidelines, we would never truly know what was accurate and what was not. The following research methods and techniques are extremely important to the fields of research.
Equipment modifications
There are a variety of scientific machines that are used to further aid the progression of scientific research. However, as these important pieces of equipment are updated and replaced, the modifications for research also need to be evaluated and updated. For example, standard laser diffraction equipment can be used for particles in the size range from about 400 nm to a few millimeters. For newer equipment, the size range is often extended down to the lower nanometer range by combining laser diffraction with other techniques, such as measurement of scattering intensities in different directions. These changes are extremely important to accurate particle size analysis measurements.
Sizing measurement differences
The specific size of the item being measured also affects the equipment differences and changes. Particle size analysis, for example, requires a BET analysis to be entirely correct. An analytical development scientist may approach the measurement of the particle size analysis by the analytical method validation guidelines but entirely miss the sizing differences.
Lased diffraction has become one of the most commonly used particle sizing methods, especially for particles in the range of 0.5 to 100 microns. It works on the principle that when a beam of light (a laser) is scattered by a group of particles, the angle of light scattering is inversely proportional to particle size (i.e. the smaller the particle size, the larger the angle of light scattering). This method of research is very beneficial for analytical methods research of particle size analysis.
Standard set of steps
Analytical development definition must also include a set of standard steps that must be completed for thorough research methods. In general, particle size analysis by the sieving or later diffraction method includes the following steps, sampling of bulk powders, subsampling of bulk samples for specimen, specimen preparation or dispersion, instrument set up and verification, size measurements, data analysis and interpretation, and report of size results. Not following these specific steps step by step can affect the outcome of the results and can result in inaccurate reporting data.
Exact replications
When a study is conducted to test or measure something, it is often completed numerous times to ensure accurate results. The difference in the results is also calculated, and if it is too far apart, the results are thrown out and the entire test is redesigned. The multiple studies of the research need to be exact replications. Any differences in the particle size analysis could produce false results. It could cause the differences in the multiple measurements testing to be wrong. This is how false information makes it into the world. It is not until someone has repeated the study on their own that the information is evaluated and the research is then pulled from factual materials.
Scientific methods include strict procedures and regulations surrounding scientific research. These specific sets of methods ensure that research is accurate and that false information is not given out. It is important to account for machine differences and upgrades, replicate studies exactly, and keep particle measurement methods in mind. Following these procedures will ensure that you end up with the most accurate of results.