Schools, Hospitals and Other Agencies Increasingly Depend on Data Backup Services
Both teachers and professional raters are resting their eyes as the prepare for the upcoming days of scoring student writing papers. Starting with the text dependent papers written by sixth graders and moving on to eighth graders next, the group is preparing for the biggest scoring even t of the year: the four days they spend reading the high school papers. Those high school papers serve as a graduation requirement so it is important to note that the ultimate goal is to have everyone scoring as consistently as possible to make sure every writer is given equal opportunity.
With an option to take a 60 minute lunch and score until 4:00 p.m. or the alternative of taking a 30 minute lunch and scoring until 3:30 p.m., the room full of scorers all started at 8:00 am. Selected to participate in writing professional development, the team consists of a combination of current teachers, retired educators, and substitute teachers who work together to rate the district’s students’ papers each year. It is a rich experience that truly benefits classroom instruction, but it is also exhausting. The group trains briefly in the morning and then begins the scoring process which continues until the end of the day. The classroom teachers are instructed to bring their laptops for online scoring and the professional raters are provided a laptop for the day.
Today’s Students Are Tested More Than Any Others in the Past
What was first a quest to make sure that no child was left behind, the American education system spent nearly a decade devising and administering tests in an effort to show progress and indicate where big changes needed to be made. And if the students and teachers were no better for these efforts, the textbook company’s were. The one way to make sure that every child was tested on the same information was to devise national standards and the one way to make sure those national standards were taught is to have text books that were perfectly aligned with those standards. As a result, teachers were given scripted lessons to teach prescribed information to students, especially in the elementary.
When you realize just hoe much more data schools are collecting on children, and teachers, you begin to understand the increased reason for data protection and data recovery services. As a result, online backup and cloud storage is an integral part of today’s educational system.
Outside the field of education, of course, are many other industries that rely on instant online backups. Across the world and around the globe, in fact, entities like Canadian cloud storage and other locations are working to create the best and safest environments for users. And While individuals are responsible for 70% of data creation, 80% of all data is stored by enterprises. For this reason Canadian cloud storage and other offerings around the globe provide 24/7 secure storage solution.
For schools and hospitals who are opting for Canadian cloud storage and other similar options, it is important to know that the data center providers are working to maintain and improve their environments on a consistent basis. In just a few months when the new year begins, 2020 data production is estimated to be 44 times greater than it was in 2009. In fact, experts estimated a 4,300% increase in annual data generation by the end of the year 2020.