File Transfer Services Three Things You Need to Know

File transfer services are the cornerstone of any successful IT system. They provide the ways and means to transfer digital files and information to and from various hosts. In today’s fast-paced, high-tech world, businesses who want to stay ahead of the game need to set up clear, efficient, and easy file transfer service solutions. There a number of data delivery methods to choose from — and, of course, there is quite a bit to consider. In order to give you a better idea on what file transfer services are and what they entail, here are three basic components to get you on your way:
- File Transfer Protocol: File transfer protocol, or FTP, is the oldest and one of the standard methods of file transferring. Under FTP, clients can send data to and from via a main “host” server. The commands and procedures are different between sending and receiving routes, aiding security and efficiency.
- Secure File Transfer Protocol: Secure file transfer protocol, or SFTP, is another method of file transfer. Under SFTP, data is sent through a private data stream that is designed for security, warding off would-be hackers and unwanted users.
- Encryption: Encryption is vital for any successful digital security measures. Encryption is the process of converting readable data known as “plaintext” into incoherent text known as “ciphertext” and vice versa using a mathematical algorithm. By encrypting data, users can protect their sensitive information and make it difficult for unwanted users to access the content. There are two major kinds of encryption: symmetric (or “private key”) and asymmetric (or “public key”).
There are, of course, many other components of file transfer services and data loss prevention solutions but the point is this: by having safe and reliable data delivery services, your business can communicate with others like never before. Feel free to leave a comment or question below for more information about file transfer solutions.