Facts about Metal and Plastic Injection Molding

Polymer Technologies Incorporation of Clifton, N.J. is a designer and manufacturer of plastic and metal injection molding products. Polymer is a leading manufacturer of metal injection molding materials. This injecting molding company uses metal injection molding materials to create molded components in high temperature furnances for the tool manufacturer, aerospace, and other companies that need injection molding products
of either injection molded plastic, liquid injection molding, or metal injection molding
for materials that need the metal injection molding processes.
Poymer recenlty won a pretigious Grand Prize manufacturing award in the U.S. Aerospace Military Category, for a metal injection molding materials part that will be used in U.S. defense operations. The weapon’s component, made by cutting edge metal injection molding technology is a stainless steel stock and bracket combination for a feedbox supportive improvement kit for the M249 Squad Automataic Weapon. The componenets Polymer created with metal injection molding materials supports the weapon in the field so that it can be repaired by a soldier and used for more action. The metal injection molding processes used by Polymer to create such components, made with metal injection molding materials saves time and money for the military, as well as the tax payer. A new M249 can cost as much as $3000.
Polymer is also a cutting edge plastic injection mold maker company whose expertise, along with their work in metal injection molding materials, is plastic injection mold design and polyethylene injection molded components. There are over 20,000 different materials that can be used in the plastic mold making processes. Injection molding is the most common process used for molding of plastic objects worldwide. Toothbrush handles are plastic injection molded. Polymer is a plastic injection mold maker with an edge on plastics chemistry and technology. Knowing how metal injection molding materials and plastic materials must be treated for optimum use is an important aspect of the technology. Plastic materials that sit too long in storage bins become hardened and more difficult to mold. Plastic molding machines must be kept at specific temperature and humidty levels so that they remain in good condition. For more about this, go here.